Why Join Tesla Stem PTSA?

While Tesla STEM (as a public school) is free to attend, parental involvement helps maintain the level of excellent education that our students receive.  PTSA is the platform to provide this support! 

To supplement the school budget provided by the school district, it is common practice for school PTSAs to raise funds for programs and grants that complement the school’s curriculum.  While we are fortunate to have high-quality educators at Tesla STEM, it's essential to understand that access to state-of-the-art equipment and resources helps our children reach their full potential. However, achieving this comes with a significant price tag. 

The school district ensures equitable treatment among all high schools within its jurisdiction.  As a PTSA, we provide additional support to help all Tesla students receive a world-class education.  Tesla STEM's high rating (currently ranked #3 nationally in US News and World Report) is in part a result of the exceptional support the community offers, both in terms of time and financial contributions.   

PTSA donations provide grants that further enhance the curriculum.    PTSA funds are also used for staff appreciation events, fund student scholarships, host a variety of speakers to discuss relevant topics, subsidize Senior Celebration, hold community building events, etc.

The grants are made possible by generous donations from our families.

Watch how your contributions enhance the educational experiences of our students!


Laser Cutter Instrumental for Engineering Program - Mr Leslie


Direct plug and play - PTSA funded computers help with ecocolumn measurements - Mr Boyd testimonial


Tesla STEM gets a new pickleball set sponsored by the PTSA


There is no right or wrong way to be involved - anything you can give, whether time or money will support your child's potential. We invite you to join us because we can do more together than apart. It only takes a few minutes to Join Tesla STEM PTSA!

How can you make a difference 

Become a PTSA member – Membership demonstrates that you are part of a community that is actively working to support our students and school.  PTSA helps you stay informed about school events, policies, and initiatives, and is an avenue to provide feedback to the school. 

Donate - Your funds fuel the grants to level up our students’ education, support our staff, and sustain programs benefiting the Tesla STEM community. 

Volunteer- Make Tesla STEM more vibrant by showing up to chaperone activities, listening to research projects and providing insight, bringing dishes for staff appreciation events, and helping run PTSA committees. These are all valuable ways of contributing your time.  

Click here to join Tesla STEM PTSA!